Monday, November 7, 2011

Post #1 Big Thinkers: Howard Gardner on Digital Youth


This will be my first post on this blog. It is about the video of Howard Gardner.

M. Gardner talks about his project named the Good Play Project. The purpose of this project is to inform students about the ethical issues of the social medias on internet. As M.Gardner says, children are aware of what it is being ethical but they do not really care being so. They need to be sensibilized with the importance of being ethical so they understand that they should be so. They need to learn about identity, privacy, credibility, ownership and about being part of a community on internet. They need to learn how to act ethically on internet. They need to learn the importance of not hurting people even if you can hide your identity on the web.

I think that this project is a very good idea. Working on internet is a whole different thing then working with people face to face. Being anonymous is pretty easy on internet and with this it is really easy to post things to hurt people without having consequences. Students need to be aware of how they can hurt people if they do not act ethically.

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