In her classes she is not always at the front, teaching to the students. Sometimes, students teach to students, or students even teach to the teacher. The teacher does not have to know everything and he/she can learn a lot from the students.
I definitely agree with Vicki Davis's way of teaching. I think it is a great philosophy. Internet is so full of resources, it is a very good thing to teach them how to learn with these resources. If students develop the reflex to google a word they do not know, they will learn to do it out of class too. I do it all the time. When I talk with someone and they talk about something that I don't know, I will be curious and will surely go look on google for it. I want my students to have the same reflex.
Teaching with technologies is also a good way to give students the power to be autonomous. If they are taught how to use the resources that are available to them effectively, they will be able to learn more things by themselves. They will have the power to teach to other students and even to the teacher. This can give a lot of confidence to the students.
I think is a very good thing that students collaborate with students around the world. They can learn how to work with strangers, see different point of views and most importantly learn about other cultures by being in touch with it. Once again, it can give a lot of confidence to the students, if they share their work with students around the world.
To connect the students to the world, you can use blogs or wikis. With a blog, students can create posts and share them with the whole world. They can receive comments. They can also go look at other blogs from students and classes of anywhere in the world. Wikis are a good idea too. A class wiki can be shared with the school, the country or the world. Every student can participate. And wikis are amazing resources, they can learn from their class mates, or from wikis of another class.
New technologies are great resources and I truly believe that teachers need to include them to their classes.
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